The “Vaccine War,” Review
Brought to you by the CIA,CDC and CFR, and viewers like you. The Vaccine War opens with an infant getting vaccinated for hepatitis B within an hour …
Stand up for liberty!
Brought to you by the CIA,CDC and CFR, and viewers like you. The Vaccine War opens with an infant getting vaccinated for hepatitis B within an hour …
Wake up sheeple! See “Twenty minutes with the President.” Turn off the tel(lie)vision. Make a choice, take the red pill or the blue pill. Do …
As you may guess. I did not vote for Hussein Obomba. I did not vote for Insane McCain either. Betty McCollum knows that health care …
* Written by a committee whose chairman says he doesn’t understand it,* Passed by a Congress that hasn’t read it but may exempt themselves from …
THE CONSTITUTIONAL CODE 1) Defend and secure the borders of the United States of America. Prevent the illegal creation of “sanctuary cities” and enforce immigration …
GMO’s are genetically modified organisms,i.e. Organisms whose DNA has undergone gene insertion. Bio-tech industries seek to patent commercial seeds; therefore, essentially having a patent on …