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“Break The Matrix”

Maybe I will turn off my TV and my Kompewter during the Super Bowl, they are going to become one soon any way. We will all be connected to internet 2;wont’ that be great! The ViQueens lost, so I guess I’m supposed to root for the NFC because they are not in the AFC. The Baltimore Donkeys seem to be the better team and appear to be the favorites, but I hope the “Saints,” win. They went through Hurricane Katrina after all. Weren’t the Saints trapped in the Superdome for several days waiting for The U.S. military to bring them food and water and medical supplies? Oh that’s right, the military was busy protecting everyone from looters and stealing grandmas’ guns. The “Super Bowl,” used to be played at the end of January. Why did that change? The Patriots should be investigated for treason. Oh well, I had way too many Bud Lights’ that year. Maybe it was something to do with the Patriot Commission. I hope The W.H.O. perform Baba O’ Riley, “They’re All Wasted,” or maybe Eminence Front, “It’s A Put On,” but they just aren’t the same without “Moon the Loon.” For $1,000 a ticket the spectators deserve some MEGADETH! Oh, I forgot, “Peace Sells, But Who’s buying?” This is the ENDGAME folks. I’ve got a suggestion for you Zygi; move the ViQueens to L.A. and call them The El Chupacabras. You don’t have to change the team colors, the seats are already Purple. To the Minnesota State legislature, not one DIME of taxpayer money to sell more Dome Dogs. Let the homeless sleep in the H.H.H. Dome while they volunteer to look for a green job. We will still have The Timber Pups and The World Champion Twins’ baseball, in the brand new taxpayer funded Targetto Field where you can breathe freshly incinerated garbage in the open air while sipping a cold one. (Tyranny)

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